Porters Alpine Resort will be running a bike shuttle service every second Sunday servicing the Edge and Luge trails initially.
10 ride cards available for just $199! Single ride $25.
Departs Lodge 9:30AM & Craigieburn access road 10AM.
Porters Alpine Resort will be running a bike shuttle service every second Sunday servicing the Edge and Luge trails initially.
10 ride cards available for just $199! Single ride $25.
Departs Lodge 9:30AM & Craigieburn access road 10AM.
Although all trails will remain open to public through the duration of these two days, we advise to try and avoid these trails during the times above and plan around these details to help with the enjoyment of your day and your ride or hike. If you do happen to be on any of these trails during these times, you are free to ride through them and we will hold off sending any racers through until we give you sufficient time to make your way through the trail.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Megan via phone: 021-069-7707 or
As we wait for the 2019/2020 riding season to kick off, the Trails team thought it useful to share some of the strategic planning going on behind the scenes in conjunction with a range of stakeholders with interest in the Craigieburn/Castle Hill Basin area.
Over the last year, we’ve been working on identifying some of the challenges with how the track network has developed under what has been a relatively small voluntary effort, and we’ve welcomed some enthusiasm from other groups to get involved and share the load.
We’ve also been working with DoC on developing some strategic planning on both new track proposals and also maintenance schedules. To that end, DoC and the Trails team have convened a number of meetings with other stakeholders such as the local skifields, representatives from groups as diverse as local tramping groups, orienteers, school groups, concession holders, Forest & Bird, Walking Access Commission, WERT, other landowners in the Basin, etc.
Consultations with all those groups continues, but we thought it useful to share drafts of some of the proposed tracks and track maintenance schedules to show that even over the quieter months, there is activity and enthusiasm to continue with ensuring that the Craigieburn Trails continue to evolve and grow in a sustainable way.
We know the Craigieburn Trails are fun, but apparently a wallaby was spotted this week enjoying The Luge!
Environment Canterbury would like to hear directly from anybody who has spotted wallabies in the area.
Please contact Jason Hawker at ECan on 027 228 2596 ASAP if you have any info.
Wallabies are legally confined to the zone between the Rangitata and Waitaki rivers, but have been sighted as far afield as Marlborough, Dunedin and Amberley.
Christchurch’s Gravity Canterbury mountain bike club are keen to help with maintenance and ideas for future development in the Craigieburn Valley. Given their enthusiasm for events like their Craigieburn Enduro races, we’re looking forward to working with them on track maintenance and development in the future.
We have plans therefore to team up for a work party this autumn on the Cockayne Alley track. The date is yet to be confirmed, we will give everyone plenty of notice.
DOC are very concerned about the number of pirate tracks in the area, and they have recently erected signs and felled trees to close a pirate track near Camp Saddle.
The Craigieburn Trails team are keen to work collaboratively with all users in the area. This started with the stakeholder meeting held at Castle Hill Village in June 2018 which identified a range of issues and future needs.
Key outcomes from that meeting included:
DOC and the trails committee are currently working on tackling this problem, including:
It’s important to spread the word that pirate trails impact on the environment and could jeopardise future access to this fantastic area.
Cam Bisset from Drummond & Etheridge returned recently to complete the work he started at the end of last year on the corners leading up from Cuckoo Creek on the Dracophyllum Flat track.
Cam is returning in early April to rebuild the Ground Effect corners near Picnic Rock on the Hogs Back Track and (if finances allow) the wet section between Picnic Rock & Ernie’s Mistake.
An application from a supporter has been made to Transpower for funding to build a bridge over Craigieburn Stream on the Coal Pit Spur Track. The initial round of the application process was successful, so all going well we can look forward to keeping our feet dry all year round on this trail.
Photos of the 2017 Trans NZ Enduro action on the Craigieburn Trails by //conorboyd.photography/
Welcome to Spring 2017 on the Craigieburn Trails.
We have a workparty coming up on the first weekend in December building the new 2.5km “Easy Out” track on which initial construction is about to start. This track is being put in as an uphill only track (for bikes anyway; walkers will be bidirectional) at the Castle Hill village end of the Hogs Back Track.
The Ground Effect crew will be on the scene in person(s) this time continuing their amazing support for the Craigieburn Trails.
When: | 9am, Saturday 2nd December 2017 |
Where: | Carpark at the Castle Hill Village end of the Hogs Back Track |
Bring: | Wheelbarrows, shovels, water, suncream, snacks/food, enthusiasm! |
For more information or to RSVP, please email us at .
See you there!