We’re constantly having to balance funding development and maintenance of the Craigieburn Trails with our funds available. Along with the direct financial support of many individuals, organisations and companies, the “value” of the volunteer effort, both with spade in hand and in-kind, has been massive.
However, while our community work parties have been a significant part of getting the trails to where they are now, we do have ongoing direct dollar costs outgoing on maintenance and construction. We continue to welcome all donations from Craigieburn Trails supporters, both new and old. We have big plans for more mountain-bike track development in the Castle Hill Basin.
Please help us help you enjoy yourself on the Craigieburn Trails by giving a donation towards future track development.
To give an idea of some of our costs:
- 3m of boardwalk = $1500
- 1 day of contractor hire = $1000
- 1 culvert = $150
- signage = $500-$1000+
Many thanks from your hardworking volunteer team at Castle Hill.